Standing Desks, the new buzz word in the office furniture industry.
The working cultures in offices are changing, globally. Passing on information has become easier than ever and hence more and more people are doing some really intense work throughout the days. It has been long known that such intense work, done for long hours in a workday, on sitting desks is not ideal for good health in the long run. Hence, one has to ponder around the thought of using standing desks as office workstations.
As a simple ‘go-to’ list, if you are working in any of these industries, you should go for standing desks:

1. Product Development
Software Engineers Office Workstations
Majority of the people who go on multi-day coding sprints are working in some sort of product development. Now, you might be a Security Specialist at Facebook or a Software Engineer at Google – your job hours can get inexplicably long at times. As a matter of fact, software developers were one of the early adopters of standing desks. Jack Dorsey, the Twitter CEO, also has a standing desk instead of a 2, 3, 4 or 6-person office workstation.
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2. Investment Banking
Investment Bankers Office Workstations
Investment banking gets a lot of heat for its tenuous working hours. It is common in this industry to have hundred-hour work weeks. In fact, many senior bankers often complain about the lack of time available to take care of their fitness. To all the senior bankers out there – standing in itself helps a lot in burning calories throughout the day. Now you can take care of your work and burn calories at the same time, and also look cool while doing all of it.
3. Private Equity or Venture Capital
Office Workstations for Private Equity / Venture Capitalists
Some people may consider this to be just an extension of investment banking but it is rather different. The work usually entails taking care of new ventures, raising funds or evaluating new companies for investments. The hours can get long when a new deal is being worked out. In such situations, the traditional office desks may only do the bare minimum. Since the venture capitalists are always trying out new products for investment purposes, it wouldn’t be really difficult for them to adopt to standing desks.
Some people may consider this to be just an extension of investment banking but it is rather different. The work usually entails taking care of new ventures, raising funds or evaluating new companies for investments. The hours can get long when a new deal is being worked out. In such situations, the traditional office desks may only do the bare minimum. Since the venture capitalists are always trying out new products for investment purposes, it wouldn’t be really difficult for them to adapt to standing desks.
4. Professional Services such as legal, accounting or actuarial.
Legal, Accountants, Lawyers Office Workstations
Several online forums which have new career aspirants entering professional services are giving the same advice – come prepared for the long working hours. The problem is that the top companies in these industries are often servicing the biggest of companies on the planet as their clients. Hence, the work keeps running round the clock; but the employees are largely steady in one place. In order to break the monotony, start using standing desks or desks with adjustable heights and you will be able to both enhance your productivity and take care of your body.
5. Advertising & Communications.
Office Workstations for Marketing and Advertising Agencies
The marketing communications industry is changing rapidly, and following the trend of all major service-based industries, here too, it is common for people to sit throughout the day. Guess what – creativity flows in the same manner, even if you are working on a sit-stand desk and burning calories simultaneously.
If you working in any of these industries, it makes total sense to switch to standing desks. You can get in touch with our team and avail free delivery across all major CBDs in Australia.
Learn how best managers buy office workstations